With ionic type templates mesoporous alumina with larger pore diameter and narrow pore distribution is obtained. 加入离子型模板剂能够形成孔径分布窄、孔径增大的介孔材料;
Preparation of ZrO_2 Porous Ceramics with Gradient Pore Distribution by Centrifugal Slip Casting 离心成型技术制备孔梯度分布的氧化锆多孔陶瓷
Pore distribution regularity and absorption-desorption characteristics of gas coal and coking coal 气肥煤与焦煤的孔隙分布规律及其吸附–解吸特征
The structural form, inner pore distribution, and burning behavior of pulverized coal with different particle size have been tested. 对不同粒度煤粉的结构形态、孔分布和燃烧特性进行了试验。
The optimal time to recycle the coke oven gas is that the pore distribution in the coke is becoming homogenous. 煤气的最佳返回时机是在焦炭中孔隙分布较为均匀之时。
Using N2 adsorption means, we get its N2 adsorption isotherm~ specific surface and pore distribution plot. 用氮吸附静态容量法测量得到了多孔玻璃微珠的氮吸附等温线、比表面和孔分布曲线。
A Study of the Change in Pore Distribution of CaO Produced in the Process of Limestone Calcination 石灰石煅烧过程中产物CaO孔隙分布变化研究
Probability distribution formula and computer simulation are used to calculate the probabilities of single, double and multiple ( n> 2) pore distribution in ion microporous membranes with round holes. 利用几率分布公式和计算机模拟方法计算了离子微孔滤膜单孔、双重孔和多重孔分布几率。
According to the principle of the fractal geometry, using fractal geometric model of pore distribution and capillary pressure curve obtained the fractal expression of characteristic parameters of the pore structure. 应用分形几何的原理,根据储层岩石孔隙分布和毛细管压力曲线的分形几何模型,建立了孔隙结构特征参数的分形表征方法。
The results show that the surface area, pore volume and pore distribution are the main factors for water vapor adsorption properties of sepiolite. 结果表明:影响海泡石吸湿性能的主要因素是其比表面积、孔容积和孔径分布。
Then the curves of pore distribution in intense seismic area compared with that of non-seismic area. 同时对无震区与强震区黄土孔隙分布曲线进行了对比研究。
Based on testing pore distribution of coal reservoirs by means of cryogenic nitrogen isothermal adsorption, the pore volume and the specific surface fractal dimension of the samples are calculated, and the relations between coal reservoir adsorptive capacity to methane and the pore fractal dimension are analyzed. 在利用低温氮吸附法测试鄂尔多斯盆地煤储层孔隙分布的基础上,计算了煤样的孔容及比表面分维数,并分析了煤储层对甲烷的吸附能力与孔隙分维之间的关系。
The surface structure and pore distribution of ground calcium carbonate coatings were studied. 本文研究了研磨碳酸钙涂层表面结构和孔隙特点;
The pore distribution and the porosity of the porous composite are determined by the processing method. 多孔复合材料的抗压强度与含量成线性增加关系,其孔分布及孔径大小由制备工艺决定;
The pore distribution of activated carbon received at various temperature was mostly between 2~ 10nm. 不同活化温度下,活化焦的孔径分布在2&10nm之间有多个峰值,说明各活化温度下所得活化焦的中小孔都以该孔径范围的孔为主。
Pore distribution of soil composed of different sizes of particles is random in the nature. 自然界中不同粒径土颗粒的随机组合造成土体中孔隙分布的随机性。
The morphology of thin films, such as pore size, pore distribution and thickness, was controlled. 薄膜的结构如孔径、孔分布和厚度可控制。
The adsorption properties of the fly ash-based adsorbent were studied by using N_2 adsorption static volumetric capacity method to gain adsorption N_2 adsorption isotherm, specific surface and pore distribution. 并对其吸附性能做了初步研究。用氮吸附静态容量法,测得该粉煤灰基吸附剂的氮吸附等温线、比表面和孔分布曲线。
The fineness and content of coal gangue have also influence on the pore distribution and SEM figure of the hardened cement pastes. 热活化煤矸石的细度和掺量对水泥硬化浆体的孔结构分布和形貌也有较明显的影响。
The pore distribution is analyzed through the adsorption isotherms for nitrogen and the surface function all groups and morphology are characterized with the help of IR spectra and SEM photos. 利用氮吸附等温线对其孔隙分布进行了分析;用红外光谱(IR)和扫描电镜(SEM)对其表面官能团及表面形貌进行了表征;
The effect of fly ash and silicon fume on the sulfate resistance and inner pore distribution of lightweight aggregate concrete is investigated. 研究粉煤灰和硅灰对轻集料混凝土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能及内部孔结构的影响。
The differential equation describing the moisture evaporation region is established and the general expression calculating the evaporation intersity is obtained, Then, the influences of the pore distribution on the evaporation region and the evaporation intensity are alse discussed. 并建立了描述蒸发区间位置的微分方程,得到了蒸发区间内蒸发强度的计算式,并讨论了毛细多孔体孔隙大小分布对蒸发区间和蒸发强度的影响。
A fractal model is established to simulate the spatial structure of concrete slurry, and a formula that describes the relationship among the fractal dimension D, the porosity P and the pore distribution is deduced. 建立了分形模型来模拟水泥浆体的空间结构,在此基础上推导出了孔体积分形维数D和孔隙率P、孔径分布的关系式;
By inversely adding aluminum sources, mesoporous alumina with bimodal pore distribution and higher surface area was prepared. 通过倒置铝源的加入顺序,可以合成具有双孔分布的介孔氧化铝,而且其比表面有所提高。
Experimental data on the various parameters of rock salt pore distribution were analyzed positioning, then use the MAT-lab software to build Voronoi diagram and establish a two-dimensional pore network model. 利用实验数据对盐岩孔隙分布的各个参数进行了分析定位,而后用mat-lab软件构建Voronoi图,建立了二维的孔隙网络模型。
Recovery rate can be determined by wettability, porosity, structure of the sand pack and the homogeneousness of the pore distribution. 采收率除了受润湿性和孔隙度影响,还受到填充模型的孔隙结构及孔隙分布的均匀性的影响。
Specifically, how pore existing way, pore distribution and film thickness affect the thermal and mechanical properties of porous silicon heat-insulating layer is analysed and explained. 本文的研究内容是对多孔硅绝热层的热学和力学性质进行理论建模研究,分析和解释孔洞存在方式、孔洞分布情况以及膜厚对于多孔硅绝热层力学和热学性能的影响。
By using of discharge period, discharge ventage and distribution scope of organic acids, the dissolution pore distribution predicting is first proposed. 本文提出了利用有机酸的排放时期、排放通道及分布范围进行了溶蚀孔隙分布预测。
Activated carbon fibers ( ACFs) have uniform pore distribution, large specific surface area and the performance of heat-resisting, acid-resisting, alkali-resisting. 活性碳纤维(ACF)的孔隙直接开口于表面,并且孔径分布均匀,比表面积大,具有耐热、耐酸和耐碱的性能,以及较好的导电性和化学稳定性。
Composition and structure of cement grout stone is analysed and factors effecting cement grout stone pore distribution is obtained. 分析了水泥浆液结石体的组成和结构,得到了影响水泥结石体孔隙大小分布的因素。